‘My thoughts become my reality’- Tony Robbins

If you’re into any form of self development you will be well aware of Tony Ribbons, a firm believer in the area of visualisations. He includes among other famous names; Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey have all publicly stated they use this method in order to reach their goals. It can have hippie-dippy connotations, but if it is good enough for the above, why not give it a go?

I am a big believer in visualisations, some call this the law of attraction, creating your own reality, thought power etc. Whatever you want to call it! You can’t deny the power of visualising and truly believing with all your mental power that something (a specific thing) is going to become true soon. Over the years I have exercised this tool more and more, and I find my belief it it has become stronger with the results I have received.

For example, before I came to London I visualised and dreamt of working in the fashion and beauty industry, 2 years later it happened. I visualised having a boyfriend, 1 year later it happened. I visualised of buying a property, 6 months later it happened. I visualised travelling the world, 6 months later it happened.

How to make this work for finding a job:

  1. Get crystal clear in what role/job you want, write the title/industry, location as much details as you can.
  2. Spend 5-10 minutes per day (morning or late evening is better) imagining yourself confidently doing the role. You are on fire, talking with teams, sharing ideas and motivating people. Pretend you have this role already; imagine you have done it and made it into your dream position.
  3. Self talk, ensure you self talk is positive. No I can’t, I am not sure.
  4. Write it down, at the start of every year I write done my goals with a timeline and specific points. Many people may think this is OTT, but I have always found writing things done; even bullet points I might add (I largely don’t have time for essays apart from this book!) is very helpful. Write down your goals!

Preparing yourself mentality has a lot to be said before even starting the mission!

Posted by:AL Finery

Articles on work, play and lifestyle

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